Elevate Your Speaking
Do you want to gain confidence? Captivate others with your ideas? Be a leader?
Welcome to the blog dedicated to making you a better speaker.
Staff Picks
The Best Way to Start Writing a Speech
Feeling stuck? Learn to write speeches faster with outlining!
A beginner’s framework for evaluation
If you’re not used to giving feedback, it can be…
How I gained my confidence and you can too
Before I first joined Toastmasters I never thought I’d be…
How Toastmasters improves your business life
Communication is one the most important skills you. Advantages are…
Facing your fear of public speaking
The heart pounds fast. The body become stiff. You are…
About Speaking Elevated
Hi, my name is Sam. and I’m the owner of this website. A few years ago I joined a public speaking group called Toastmasters. I wasn’t the person who would volunteer to go on stage, or express my ideas to strangers. I wanted to be. In this club I started giving speeches, running meetings, and I joined the club board. By doing action I learned I had more potential than I knew. My experiences taught me everyone has untapped potential and I want to help you reach yours.